Friday, September 26, 2008

India- where Unity seems impossible

From this video, a mob has actually taken place where fired workers have beaten their boss to death (25 September 2008).
After this video has shown the scene of the murder, it went on to talk about the economy in India. We can see from the video, how people are full of unhappiness with the unequal distribution of wealth in the country- that the rich keeps getting richer, and the poor, poorer.
This is a great contributing factor to the discord in India as the rich and poor are distinctly worlds apart!

As we also learn from Communications, Group Communication is very important. Relating to the context of a country, a country needs to be united as a group to be effective. If people scatter themselves into ranks and classes, wouldn't everyone be disconnected with each other? Similarly, in India, when their is distinction amongst people (here, in terms of wealth), the country is unable to function effectively as a whole as not everyone benefits. India adopts the caste system right up to the present, in which status clearly separates people from one another.

Not too long before the murder happened, from an article in CNN, religious discord between Hindus and Christians have caused violence, resulting in many deaths. Violence like Hindu vandals attacking 14 churches in an hour, Christian gunmen barging into Hindu-schools shooting,  and fires occurred. A group creates its own identity and belief- just like the Hindus and Christians.Their shared behavioural standards have caused them to be bonded together and react the same way to any agitation. They are very much influenced by one another in the group that thy drive each other to cause destruction to their opponents! 

Personally, I feel sympathetic towards the Indians, not only are they separated by wealth, but they are torn apart by different beliefs distance them further. I feel that for many of them, it just could not be helped, especially in terms of their wealth. If you begin poor in a mass society like India, you do not get richer when the country improves, but you only struggle to keep up. And most of the time, the poor just gets poorer as the rich pile up their increasing assets.

A group as a whole(India) is effective but when within a group, division occurs (different statuses, conflicting beliefs), the group becomes disharmonious and conflicts happen,resulting in greater ineffectiveness till a solution happens (but where?).

Thus, India is a country that has come to my attention and my heart reaches out to them, especially the poor that live in squatters. What can we do to this society of vastly different people that need help? 

Here, this video warms my heart (also set in India).
If you notice, the various statuses of people are brought together by the fallen tree. 
Perhaps, sometimes, we need a deprivation that could bring everyone to the same level so that we can all work together to solve that same pressing problem (of discord).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Winning hearts through speech

I was vastly amused when I stumped upon this advertisement and it greatly relates to interpersonal communication! (haha) 
I don't actually understand what this advertisement is trying to put across about filet-o-fish and macdonalds, but it sure does attract the attention of the audience, and evoke humor.
What caught my attention was how the two burgers are so similar in appearance, yet they do not understand each other verbally and have such different perceptions of "the right pronunciation".
Perhaps I am someone who is easily amused, but I hope I am not the only one here who finds this interesting. This advertisement has compelled me to think about the current US elections that are prevalent at the moment- two americans who equally love the country yet going against one another for the presidential position.
It really tickles me when I see captions like "Obama says McCain wants to gamble away US pensions" and "McCain attacks, Obama above the fray on finance crisis" raving the headlines. Well, perhaps that is how elections go about; having to be constantly better and possessing better ideas than your opponent. 
And what is most interesting is that, both of them are trying to win the hearts of the people using a psychological approach, so as to engage them.

I feel that it can be rather silly at times, going to such extent just to be elected for the same purpose of raising a country. The way each of them demean the other just to gain popularity is really uncalled for. But i guess it is not for me to be critical of this issue as it is after all a culture in the US, and as humans, we never fail to seek ways to be more outstanding.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Reminiscing September 11

Tears, political truce mark 9/11 anniversary.

Just a few days ago, marked the 7th anniversary of the commemoration of the September 11 attacks.

Thinking of the 9/11 incident, my mind is filled with great intensity and sympathy for those who have witnessed and also suffered or even died most undeservedly on that very day. To most Amercians I am sure, this day was definitely unjustified. There is no reason for anyone to possibly destroy a city that has done technically, no wrong! If there be hatred, is a bomb a fair solution to resolve such a conflict?

From this article, I see how the Americans have created a certain perspective toward the government and the whole reminiscent affair of the September 11 attacks.

"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said September 11, 2001, when Al-Qaeda-hijacked airliners demolished the Twin Towers and also crashed into the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania, was the day the United States "broke." The anniversary, he said, was about "New Yorkers, Americans and global citizens remembering the innocent people from 95 nations and territories that lost their lives that day." McCain and Obama - due to visit Ground Zero, after the official ceremonies - declared a truce and suspended advertising. "There will be no speeches," Democrat Obama's spokeswoman Linda Douglass said. "This is going to be a moment when politics are set aside.""

From this excerpt, the jounalist expressed the day when the attacks happened as "the day the United States "broke"". This has set the tone for the whole article- one that is sombre and full of anguish. Here, I infer that the Americans have commemorated this day as one that will never be erased from their minds- one that perhaps, is not forgivable and awaits justice or even revenge.
And for this, even the democrats have declared political truce! It just shows how this "tragedy" has shaped the Americans' perception of this very day, September 11. Thus, this is an example of how perception is shaped through an experience, and they have communicated it through the tone of this article and even the political truce that was declared.

"Victims' relatives, some choking on tears, read out names of the dead. A string quartet, alternating with a classical guitar and flute, played mournfully in the background as the litany unfolded. Survivors, who wore white ribbons pinned to their chests, often broke off to add brief tributes. One fought to control himself as he condemned the "cowardly men" who killed his loved one. A woman managed a smile as she called to her deceased husband Chuck, saying: "Until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hands.""
This description of the setting on that day has allowed me to visualise how the people actually felt. It is a scenario of high intensity in which there was crying, cursing and longing for their loved ones. Even the environment is one that evokes emotions with the mournful music played and the white ribbons that were pinned on their chests.

Personally, I have never related to this whole affair of the September 11 attacks. To me, it was just a tragedy that happened, possibly one that could be similar to any other natural disaster in the world. I understand the sadness, but I could not actually read into how the Americans actually felt until I read this article. I think I am convinced of the unworthy lost they have experienced from how the writer has pieced this article. It is true how I can start feeling abundantly about this affair as my cognitive schemata (influences of my personal constructs and punctuation) goes into action.

From here, I also see how the Americans cannot let go of this event as it is of great intensity to them. It also has evoked unstable emotions that has triggered their psychological state of mind.
Truly, it has been seven years since the fateful catastrophe occured, but such depth of pain and infliction cannot be healed by just time or justice.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Noodle: Israeli Film Festival

DIRECTOR: Ayelet Menahemi
DURATION: 100 mins
GENRE: Comedy/Drama
LANGUAGE: Hebrew & Mandarin with English Subtitles
FESTIVALS AND AWARDS: Montreal World Film Festival (2007), Special Grand Prize of the Jury (Director - Ayelet Menahami)

Noodle Trailer without subtitles in Hebrew and Chinese

Singapore film society- about Israeli Film festival and the film (Noodle)

At thirty-seven, Miri is a twice-widowed, El Al flight attendant. Her well-regulated existence is suddenly turned upside down by an abandoned Chinese boy whose migrant-worker mother has been summarily deported from Israel. The film is a touching comic-drama in which two human beings -- as different from each other as Tel Aviv is from Beijing -- accompany each other on a remarkable journey, one that takes them both back to a meaningful life.

immediately caught my attention (in terms of "pathos"- emotions) as firstly, it is an Israeli production created with a Chinese touch. This movie is unlike any typical Israeli show that is all political but instead, it is about emotional connection and relationships between very different people. Indeed, it brings to life all the emotional senses in the body. In this show, communication is expressed through indirect means like actions and objects, like noodles. Because of the communication barrier in terms of language that was first imposed in this movie, communication made by non verbal cues evoke emotions and create resolutions as viewers discover communication in other ways shown by the characters in the movie. It is also interesting as Chinese/Asian viewers would possess a different perspective from the Israeli viewers as both language groups would experience a varying impression on the breakdown in communication that is portrayed by the Chinese boy and the Israeli actors. The Asians would relate more to the Chinese instead of the Israeli, unlike an Israeli audience. It is most aptly concluded when the contrasting characters develop an intricate form of connection that is not expressed by words!

Personally, this show has allowed me to understand how communication does not have to be verbal, but instead the effectiveness of non-verbal communication can be mind-blowing as well! This film has certainly brought me to know that a movie brought together by different cultures can bring about different effects to different viewers.

This show is a must-watch for those who anticipate emotional genres of movies that provoke greater thinking and analysing.

Take a look at the trailer and tell me how you feel!
