Sunday, September 21, 2008

Winning hearts through speech

I was vastly amused when I stumped upon this advertisement and it greatly relates to interpersonal communication! (haha) 
I don't actually understand what this advertisement is trying to put across about filet-o-fish and macdonalds, but it sure does attract the attention of the audience, and evoke humor.
What caught my attention was how the two burgers are so similar in appearance, yet they do not understand each other verbally and have such different perceptions of "the right pronunciation".
Perhaps I am someone who is easily amused, but I hope I am not the only one here who finds this interesting. This advertisement has compelled me to think about the current US elections that are prevalent at the moment- two americans who equally love the country yet going against one another for the presidential position.
It really tickles me when I see captions like "Obama says McCain wants to gamble away US pensions" and "McCain attacks, Obama above the fray on finance crisis" raving the headlines. Well, perhaps that is how elections go about; having to be constantly better and possessing better ideas than your opponent. 
And what is most interesting is that, both of them are trying to win the hearts of the people using a psychological approach, so as to engage them.

I feel that it can be rather silly at times, going to such extent just to be elected for the same purpose of raising a country. The way each of them demean the other just to gain popularity is really uncalled for. But i guess it is not for me to be critical of this issue as it is after all a culture in the US, and as humans, we never fail to seek ways to be more outstanding.



Rif said...

How you actually manage to link this ad to the US presidential race pretty much had me scratching my head at first..haha..but I think I kinda understand what you're trying to get at..
Everyone perceive things differently..even when in reality the thing that they're perceiving is actually the same thing..right?..haha
Heh..but in the case of the presidential elections.. it is a position of power these candidates are vying for..and as is with any position of power..people will go to the extent of crushing their opponents to claim the coveted position as their own..So it's no surprise we see mud-slinging and public attacks on all sorts of things ranging from their personality to events long ago concerning the candidates' past just to rattle the public's image of each candidate's ability and integrity..
The role these rallies play are crucial for each candidate to communicate AND persuade the public to side with them instead of the opposite party..
..So..can i have some fries to go with my filet(fi-ˈlā)-o-fish?.. xP

We all know one. said...


Haven't you written enough about the US already? ha

Personally I do not get the link between MaCdonald's and politics. Maybe i'm just refusing. =)

But what i do get, is the speech part. And all this political hullabaloo is getting into me... And rif you're damn right... just not the mud slinging.

It's a slugfest, a brawl between 2 slugs, as they slug it out ever so slowly........... so when will the 2 of them stop the spitting, the firebreathing?

what i feel is that today's politics are becoming like a reality show, their speeches are like the songs they sing... just like American Idol. and you hav the voters... just that we're lacking randy, simon and paula...

and that irritating presenter...
ugh i forgot his name.
mental blog, eh block... haha
You guys tell me how you feel.

peace to politics, to mac's and a McCain double meal please, upsized, no i don't need the Palin figurine, and oh, could i use my Obama voucher?

-We all know one.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, a refreshing entry which doesn't involve any heavy com101 jargons.

& the video you put up really catches my attention than say... u putting a video of one of the on-going presidential campaigns (blah).

good way of intriguing readers! :)

& yes, sometimes it's weird why mankind is fighting against each other when we are actually all the same - two eyes, one nose, one mouth (you get my drift). why can't we combine forces & fight together... wouldn't it be better if we fight against global warming instead? HELLOOOO. our future generations are going to drown in the melted ice caps!

of course, it's always easier said than done. sigh.