Saturday, October 4, 2008

Media's all around you

I have been talking so much about the media- criticizing news articles, movies and advertisements. So today, I am going to go on a different take- the media on me. When I think about the media, this all familiar oldie starts playing in my head:

"I feel it in my fingers
I feel it in my toes
Love is all around me
And so the feeling grows
Its written on the wind
Its everywhere I go"

(only that i change the word LOVE to the MEDIA)

As I look all around me, everything seems to be a depiction of the media- posters on bus stops, music blasting of shopping malls, the television, magazines, newspapers, internet and not forgetting the little gadgets I carry that somehow makes the media around even more.

I cannot help but say that the media has somehow influenced my thoughts abundantly. 
Last week, I was really tied up with school work and work, thus feeling really stressed. Then, I subconsciously started humming and listening to the song Broken Wings by Alterbridge more frequently, never failing to sing "on Broken Wings I'm falling" out loud just to express my tiredness.
This week, I picked up The Reader's Digest lying on the table at home and started reading it. I was reading on the "My Story" section of the magazine and it was inspiring. Not only so, I also realized that if I write my own live story and if it gets published, I would receive $500 for that! From then, it has become my life goal to write my own story and attempt to receive that $500. 

Also, while I was travelling on the bus a few days ago, I saw a video on MobileTV that commemorated the Paralympics 2008. Just by looking at the scenes of joy and sadness, and listening to the majestic music played, my eyes welled up with tears at that very moment.

With all these that I am relating to, how can I not say that the media has no influence on my life?

The media has even shaped me to take interest in characters in movies. Like, hello, I can so play the character of Theodore in Alvin and the Chipmunks. Not only so, I can completely recite a scene from madagascar and perhaps even verbally bring you through Moulin Rouge and sing every song in it to you.

Try me! (HAHA)


PEIYU said...

yep. i agree. media has a tremendous effect on us. it is kind of inevitable. sometimes, i feel like media has a part in shaping my character as well. but the fact now is, i can't live without media. hahaa. and i do not have to try u. cos i have already tried. gosh. just be drama mama, dun be another alex la. hahaha.

Choice Education & Development said...

The media has cemented its place in our lives. It can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Depends on how you look at it. It can affect our 'want's and 'need's. Ultimately, its up to the individual to separate the two.


Z said...

Media is indeed all around us. we communicate through media and we cannot live without it. Without media, we'll probably go back to the age of using pigeons or smoke signals to pass messages.

Jerome Yeo said...

hey! i too feel the same way as u. i feel that the media plays a big role in my life too. from my decisions to my actions sometimes i find myself guilty of falling into the trap of the media! I personally am a tv junkie i spend most of my waking hours glued to the television. this has cause me to be sub consciously affected by the media.

I believe that humans are nothing with the media and the media is nothing without humans!

jiahua said...
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yijing said...

I agree too with all the other comments above mine. ha. Media sure do have a big role in our lives.

They may influence us unconsciously and change our opinion about certain things. With mere exposure effoet, we may even be persuaded to buy a product that we have no use for! This is how powerful media can be.
